Scammers are everywhere - even on dating apps. People who set up scams on dating apps are typically after your money, your bank and credit card information, and potentially even your identity. If you want to avoid being duped by a scammer the next time you're browsing for dates, take a look at the following ways to spot scammers on dating apps.

Reverse Search Their Images
It's very common for scammers to steal photos from other people in order to pretend to be someone they're not--and that's typically someone who is attractive and charming and thus more likely to get potential dates to share personal information or even buy them gifts. It only takes a few seconds to reverse search a few of their images. If results show up that indicate the photos are from an unrelated social media profile or an otherwise fishy source, then you're probably being scammed.
Look Them Up on Social Media
This is another quick way to spot scammers. If you can't find them on any social media, or you find their names and information on social media accounts that don't match up with their dating profile, then you may be getting scammed.
Avoid Common Scamming Techniques
The way that most dating scammers operate is by first making a connection with their target and then dropping the ball--they need money, and they need it fast! The two most common money scams are emergency requests, such as needing money for an emergency bill or hospital trip; and connection requests, such as wanting money to supposedly buy a plane ticket or hotel room to visit.
Be Wary of People Who Move Too Fast
If it seems like your potential date is moving very fast, then they may be trying to scam you. Examples of moving too fast include:
1. Expressing love and deep affection too early
2. Frequently bringing up bills and other monetary needs they have in casual conversation
3. Asking for personal information that you don't publicly offer on your dating profile
4. Requesting right away to talk only through your email or phone number and not the dating app
They Have Inconsistencies Regarding Their Lives and Personal Details
Scammers rarely target one person at a time - they are usually targeting several people in order to make the most money from their scam. They usually create different scamming personalities for different targets, such as creating an attractive young woman profile to target older men and creating an attractive young man profile to target older women. They may also alter their personal details to go after certain targets, such as claiming to live in nearby areas or have similar hobbies in order to make a quicker connection. If you find that the details they've given you about their lives don't add up--such as your date mentioning that they are a lifelong golfer when they had previously claimed to be a professional surfer--then you may be getting scammed.