Tinder is popular and used by millions of people, but that doesn't mean it's always easy to get matched, or to get what you're looking for from those matches. If you're looking to hookup with women on Tinder, don't worry: you can up your game by following these easy to follow, no-nonsense tips.

Make Your First Picture a Very Flattering Face Photo
The very first photo that women see on Tinder will determine whether or not they swipe left or right, so your first photo needs to make an amazing impression. Women will typically be more interested in a man's facial appearance and expression in terms of making a great first impression; so your first photo should be a clear picture of your fast taken at a flattering angle. Unless you're extremely attractive, make sure you're smiling in the photo so that you don't look intense or sour.
Know How to Choose The Best Second And Third Photos
Most people focus solo on the first photo, but the second and third photos in your profile are just as important. The first photo hooks a woman into swiping--the second and third will determine whether or not she may pursue anything with you. Your second photo should be a photo of you looking well groomed (a casual suit is a great option) in some kind of social setting, preferably without other women in the photograph. Unless the lighting is perfect, avoid night time photos as these can look grainy or strange, especially if the camera's flash went off.
Message All Your Matches
Once you've been matched, it's time to make your first move. You should message everyone you match with if you want the best chance of getting women on Tinder. Your initial message should be confident and flattering without coming across as too intense. A good rule of thumb is a casual greeting, followed by a compliment or a question after your greeting is returned. For example, once they've greeted you, complimenting their appearance (and please - avoid cheesy pickup lines) or asking a question related to something in one of their photos will show them that you are interested.
Give Out Your Number First
Once you've sent out a greeting and initial compliment or question and gotten a response, it's time to take the next step: give out your number while at the same time telling them that you'd love to talk more over the phone rather than through Tinder. You are more likely to get women on Tinder if you take it off Tinder rather than keeping it exclusively on the app, since there could be hundreds of other guys on Tinder trying to get her attention. A good rule of thumb is to throw out your number while saying it would be easier to talk on the phone: "I'd love to talk more, through the phone is a lot easier, my number is xxx-xxx-xxxx, love'd to hear from you."
From there, be confident, charming - and good luck!